The Altar Guild is a group that prepares the Altar with flowers, linens and sacraments for church services. Contacts: Dianne and David Bertsch
Tuesday: Meets weekly Tuesdays at Noon. Contact: Linda and Ted Hobson.
Thursday: On Hold. Normally meets weekly at 4 PM. Contact: Dianne Bertsch.
This group ensures the grounds are well maintained and are beautiful all times of the year. The group also organizes the building maintenance. Contact: John Schenkel
All male members and friends of Good Shepherd are invited to participate in the MOGS meetings and activities. Other male guests are always welcome. Contact: Mike Ramming
The usher will be the first person to greet you when entering the church for worship services. Ushers receive offerings, distribute bulletins, and assist anyone having special needs. Contact: Ted Hobson
All female members and friends of Good Shepherd are invited to participate in the WOGS meetings and activities. Other female guests are always welcome. Contact: Barbara Schenkel
This is a new group in Good Shepherd. If you are interested in participating contact Bev Horn.